Universal Pocket Planes by NimbleBit - Join Flight Crew #TouchArcade

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Tiggs2000

    Tiggs2000 Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    #8561 Tiggs2000, Oct 31, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2012
    First of all, thanks for taking the time for doing these nice updates!

    In answer to 1, am over 100 boxes and counting. This morning, saw 20 cargo spawn at once in LA but not one box! Besides the one triple, seen a few doubles. Between the lie and wait strategy(checking each airport) for boxes and the mass delivery strategy, the mass delivery wins out for getting most mystery boxes. Did the lie and wait strategy for last blimp event and didnt get anywhere near as many mystery boxes.

    For 2, its tough to balance out but feeding not the biggest issue. Cyclones are really nice for feeders with their extra speed. Maxed red cities spawn lots of event parts. Am feeding as far away as Sao/Rio for the main feeders and going out even farther out now in experimenting with Cloudliner feeders(which cause max layover issues in LA when they do come in). Generally always have at least one empty plane to fill to hop to SD.

    Biggest issue is actually time constraints. Am trying to do every little thing to optimize time. For example, feeder planes always have one delivery to LA so can unload them without having to scroll down. Wish they would add an option to instantly scroll to bottom.
  2. Hardocre

    Hardocre Active Member

    Oct 28, 2012
    Who are number 37 and 39?
  3. Tiggs2000

    Tiggs2000 Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    When I did the lie and wait, I just scrolled through the airports and checked the screen. Can check for boxes/bux jobs for all the airports in under 20 seconds with more time if you want to load anything. And the big bux bonanza after was fun :)
  4. Train2000

    Train2000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    I feel like I've been lurking the last couple of days. I love the comments, though and find myself smiling at small competitions for a spot or two up and down the rankings. I am a "blitzing" player lately, go all out for an hour or so then shut it down for hours at a time, maybe only playing 2-3 times a days. Normally we'd have a new event right now, but as others have mentioned they extended it for the holiday. 3 1/2 days is too long to stay on top of this game, and 4 full days is killing me. :p. TA1 is great keep up the good work and maybe we can keep peeling away the top players from the TA original flight crew and one day....;)
  5. coastcat

    coastcat Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2012
    Ah, okay, I hadn't seen this clarification. If an event generates outgoing cargo (like the gold bars for the Gold Rush event), that's a unique cargo separate from any other events. Since Delhi has a gold rush event, you will see outbound gold bars to other cities, even if those other cities are also hosting an event and are generating their own incoming job types. That's why you will see the gold bars AND the Halloween cargos headed from Delhi to San Diego. Those gold bar jobs do NOT count towards the San Diego event; I'm still unsure whether the unique outbound event cargo jobs count for that event. (does anyone know for certain if, for example, the outbound spy documents counted for the embassy dinner event?)

    Certain events generate unique outbound cargo - lumber games, archeological dig, embassy dinner, gold rush, and medical conference all do. This is annoying during global events since you have to remember not to pick up the special cargo destined for your global event city!

    (short version: When in Delhi, only pick up San Diego jobs which are blue or mystery parts; the gold bars don't count)
  6. KitFisto22

    KitFisto22 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
    Cut for space. Sorry. Yes. Thanks. And you should. seems like some witches got a little too evil in this event so they had to send them away.
  7. KitFisto22

    KitFisto22 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
    Thanks! And its good to be back. The P's just made me realize: It's REALLY hard to fill up a plane with all passengers...
  8. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #8568 vicsark, Oct 31, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2012
    I'm curious, did you close airports and focus only on SA/NA for the event?
    and how many airports you got?

    It's odd, I began with mass delivery and only got 15 parts for 4000 jobs.
    then I tried the lie and wait and got 40 parts for 1500 jobs.

    I also moved to Cyclones M for feeders, speed matters here, not coins. Sequoias are sitting in the airports collecting massive Bux and Mystery parts.

    And I got 6 Sea Knights delivering LA/SD so big layovers are not a pb, did not even have to push planes to go gaster with only a 3 min round trip.

    Funny, I also use the one LA job in the plane trick to unload faster.
    @NimbleTim It is one so annoying me not to be able to get to the bottom of the C/P list, the same way we can tap to get to the top :(

    Congrats on the 10k jobs, pretty impressive mate!

    I think we already have the former top players of TAO!
    I can't see the TAO top 10, I' m curious at the numbers if you could get them.
  9. Bluebear88

    Bluebear88 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2012
    If you guys are looking for mystery boxes, I reccomend looking at the job list, the mystery box doesn't always appear in the airport. I've found more boxes that were not in the airport than ones that were. Just a heads up.
  10. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    There's a news on TA about the new 2013 NimbleBit's secret game they're working on, with a picture hidden in their happy halloween :)

    I hope they'll still update PP!
    Not very worried, as they still update TT, Pocket frogs, etc..

    Attached Files:

  11. sdo62

    sdo62 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
    TA1 crew just passed 100,000 jobs delivered - well done, everyone!
  12. Okay, it turns out I can't post the entire story on here, as it is kind of too big (the max charachter limit is 10000 and excluding the last paragraph (apples copy system for you) my story was 3190 charachters too big)

    So yea, I'm going to wait until I get on a computer later so I can attach the story into the post :p
  13. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    ok, I'm done for this one.
    Don't forget to get your mystery parts to SD before the end!
    100 000 jobs for TA1 wow

    Attached Files:

  14. dantt99

    dantt99 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Any tips on getting tons of jobs for the events?
  15. zekeamf

    zekeamf Active Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    Ontario, Canada
    Ok, I understand now, didn't realize about the unique outbound cargo.
    Thanks for the response.
  16. coastcat

    coastcat Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2012
    1. Advertise in the host city, and keep renewing the advertising throughout the event.

    2. Reduce the number of open airports. The fewer airports open, the more concentrated the jobs are!

    3. Upgrade the open airports to the maximum; each upgrade increases both the number of layover spots and the number of jobs available at that airport.

    One very useful strategy is to limit yourself to 4 to 6 class 3 (red) airports plus the host city (and any cities needed to reach the host city, if it's something small and remote). I have nine class 3 cities plus the host city open for this San Diego event - that's more than usual because I had bux layovers all over the place and didn't want to lose them.

    Okay folks, I've scrambled from #32 to #12 today and have Bluebear in my sights...
  17. dantt99

    dantt99 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Thanks, I always do advertise, and I plan on doing number 2 and 3 once I reach level 28 (I'm on 26).
  18. CastlePage

    CastlePage Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    #8578 CastlePage, Nov 1, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
    This is the news and weather update from the TA1 broadcasting station.

    Weather Report
    The Los Angeles airport, closest class 3 airport to the halloween party at San Diego, is current experiencing a thunderstorm. Please be forewarned that it might lead to airport closure (as experienced in past PP weather). Passengers that need to re-route are advised to seek out Mexico City, which is within the range of mohawks.

    Global event report
    The halloween party will officially end in 3 hours. However, it is known that PP does not seem to account for the activities in the last hour, so all participants are advised not to wait until the last minute to send in your planes.

    The halloween party at San Diego was a huge success such that the duration of the party was extended by 12 hours. The witches, in particular, were too rowdy and had to be sent away. KitFisto reports below:

    The current standings of the global event leaderboard is:
    #1 633,009 (Toucharcade)
    #2 106,563 (TA1)
    #3 87,907 (Nimblewiki)
    #4 77,867 (Jayisgames)
    #10 17,215

    A peek into the Top 10 leaderboard of the leading flight crews shows:
    TouchArcade: #1-6122 jobs, #10 - 2217 jobs
    TA1: #1-11,466 jobs, #10 - 3614 jobs
    Nimblewiki: #1 2414 jobs, #10 - 752 jobs (top10 accumulated deliveries - 12830 jobs)
    Jayisgames: #1 - 2468 jobs, #10 - 813 jobs (top10 accumulated deliveries - 13950 jobs)

    Cybernator, our very own cyborg from TA1, has singled-handedly delivered 11,466 jobs about 90% of the accumulated jobs delivered by the top10 players of Nimblewiki.

    TA1 news
    The Top10 leaderboard experienced some changes since 12 hours ago. Dame Faye Valentine, constant TOP10 contender in the past global events made her first appearance in the Top10 leaderboard. She was reported to be sick and was busy planning for bday party and a halloween event. While other contestants shared strategies on how to gain bux or mystery parts, Dame Faye said she randomly flings her planes. She must be a dead accurate shot, as the random flingings resulted in a 5th place on the leaderboard.

    Train 2000 recovered his steam and has steadily pushed up the leaderboard and is now getting ready to rollover me while I'm writing this report.

    Greenpaper, one of the early contenders in the top10 who dropped back later made a comeback. He is now at #9 position.

    Earlier on, coastcat had reported that she was might be affected from hurricane Sandy, with possible electricity outage. We were happy to know that she is fine and is back in contention. Apparently hurricane Sandy lent her wind and she swept up the leaderboard:

    Indeed, Funky woo says:

    Bluebear, who had said in the past that he usually does not participate in the global events for the entire duration forgo-ed his winter hibernation nap. This morning, he temporarily disappeared from the Top10 leaderboard, but is now back again. Perhaps coastcat provided the impetus for Bear's sprint.

    And now for a note from SuperDuperUberNorth:

    And now, some interview clips from the heavyweights on their bux and mystery box strategies.

    Weather report update:
    The sky in LA has cleared.

    wow, it took me this long to write this news update. I'm too longwinded.

    Edit: I was so absorbed in writing this post that I forgot to get ready to wind down san diego jobs. going to do that now. TA1 folks, remember to wind down now and get ready for the next global event.

    Edit2: Coastcat emerged as the winner in her tussle with Bluebear, claiming the #10 spot on the top10 leaderboard. Perhaps Bluebear is protesting that PP did not count his jobs as usual. Watch out Green paper, coastcat is ready to fold you in.
  19. Alright, heres the ghost story...it turned out that the word document was too big for the post as well, so the title is messed up..it was meant to be bigger

    I'll just put it out that this is my first fan-fiction, and my first attempt at a scary story, so I apologise if you don't like it....also, the story may get a little gory for liking at some points, and finally, sorry it might be a day late for halloween

    Attached Files:

  20. green_paper

    green_paper Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    Thanks for the write-up!

    In an effort to crack the top 10, I spent quite a few BUX boosting planes to get to the #9 spot.

    I started running out of gas (err... jet fuel?) at 10pm PST, so I wouldn't be surprised if coastcat reeled me in... I do not want to see another frickin' pumpkin for a looooong time!

    As a side note - anybody notice that there's a smiley face on the Mapple's nose?

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