Question for teh modz...

Discussion in 'Site Feedback and News' started by JBRUU, Apr 12, 2013.

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  1. MasterChief3624

    MasterChief3624 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2009
    I can't help but feel this topic was created in response to my behavior in the Forgotten Memories thread... :(
  2. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Nope. This thread was created mostly as a joke, that's why I put it in the lounge instead of site feedback. Actually you just reminded me, I had completely forgotten about that...

    Speaking of which, we should be grateful we have such an active developer. Look at most of these other upcoming threads: the devs just post "coming soon" and release whenever it's finished. Tato gives us constant updates, answers all our questions, it's almost as fun as the game will hopefully be.

    I think that anything that helps their team financially, like releasing on consoles first, is a good thing because it means a better chance of post launch support and ultimately more games from them.
  3. MasterChief3624

    MasterChief3624 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2009
    I understand tato is active and posts a lot, and answers all our questions, and all that jazz. That's neat and all. But sometimes I wonder, regarding the devs that only post a couple times and then release their game magically, is they are avoiding posting because they're hard at work on finishing their game.

    It has been a good learning experience for me, with regards to what goes into making a game. Seeing the wireframe models, the work-in-progress screenshots and videos, seeing all the changes being made, reading all the crazy developer lingo that I don't understand a single word of.. it's all very interesting. But I maintain that it is a game that is doomed to fail. I'm sure there is a law out there somewhere that dictates a certain period of time in which the development of a game turns into super hype, and then fizzles out, and then Murphy's Law comes in with the idea that whatever can go wrong with the game finally releasing -will- go wrong.

    I'm really not a bad person, even if I come off that way with my novel-length rants in that thread. I don't know exactly what I'm trying to accomplish by constantly posting the negative posts in there. I guess, in my eyes, I'm trying to push the developer to just release. the. damn. game.

    Maybe I'm also trying to show the developer that there is a point where people stop caring at all. I have obviously reached that point. I reached that point a long time ago. Maybe I hope that pushing so hard will make tato realize that no matter how long he develops this game, the longer he waits, the more people will begin to not care, and the less likely the game will be to do well.

    Hey, one of the scenarios here is that Forgotten Memories will release finally, and it will be crowned the greatest videogame in the history of mankind, the beginning of a new era in survival horror. Psychoz Interactive (terrible name, if we're being honest) will be bought out by Capcom and Konami (yes, both of them, a first in the world of gaming) and Tato will be given all the money in the world to create every new survival-horror game from now on. And I will be laughed off of the internet for being such a doubter in what would then be seen as a true god of gaming.

    But that scenario is quite unlikely. When Forgotten Memories was first announced back in December 2009, I was pretty worried. This was the developer of Dead Strike (I think that's what it was called?), an absolutely atrocious iOS game that failed miserably on every conceivable level, as a horror game and as a game in general. So this developer was making a new game? Of course there is reason to worry.

    Somewhere down the line, though, I started believing in the developer. You know, every great developer and director in the world had to start somewhere. James Cameron's first movie was a Piranha movie, for God's sake! Now look at where he is in the world of cinema.

    Where I'm going with this is that I started believing in this developer. This was at a time where I desperately wanted a true survival horror game to be popular, because the way it had been going on consoles (Alone in the Dark, Resident Evil 5) was not looking good. And now we have Resident Evil 6, and the world is tired of horror games. But the stuff that was being said about Forgotten Memories instilled a great deal of hope in me, and many survival-horror fans I'm sure. It sounded like this developer was focusing on atmosphere and story, instead of action and cheap jump scares. Psychological rather than physical. That is what makes the best horror movies, and the best horror games.

    And then the mysterious law (we'll say the Naysayer's Law) kicked in. After a year or two more of following the development, this intrigue and hope quickly turned into annoyance and frustration... and that has led to laughter and taunting. I'll admit, I am not handling myself well with this whole Forgotten Memories topic.

    I hope it does well, I do. But I am long past the point where I give a damn anymore. To me, Psychoz Interactive has proven that they are incompetent as a developer. They can generate hype, that's for sure. But they can't deliver on promises of release dates, it seems. When I read any more posts from them anymore, all I can think is, "Yeah, Tato is just saying what everyone wants to hear. I wonder what's going on behind the scenes though."

    I mean, I don't know for sure, but it seems like whenever there is a question, he is happy to answer it but it's always an answer that pleases whoever is asking it. Tato is starting to come off as illegitimate and fake, and only saying what the public wants to hear. A true politician, if we're getting into some more controversial ground :p

    I don't understand what everyone in that thread is doing. Are they all legitimately still excited for this game? Or are they just pretending to be, so that the game finally releases and tato won't be scared of the response it receives? I feel like the only person on the whole site that has this terrible feeling about the release of it, and feels like there is something off about the developer. It feels like it's all an illusion. It doesn't feel real. And this idea that they are delaying the game for iOS in favor of putting it on other consoles a few weeks earlier: that rubbed me extremely the wrong way and solidified my opinion that this developer has no idea what the hell they're doing.

    Financially, sure, they deserve to earn back the apparently exorbitant amount they put into developing this game, and then some. I understand and support that. But I think the ship has sailed for them as far as being seen as a great developer that people can't wait to see what will be coming next from them. That was a terrible sentence, but I hope it makes at least a little sense.

    If they release this game, it will not bring the success they feel they deserve. I can guarantee that.

    This is yet another long-winded post from me, MasterChief3624... sorry about that. But... yeah, the long story short is that Tatoforever feels fake, the whole game development cycle seems like a perfectionist trying to perfect every little detail and wanting to push it out onto the newest hardware, and the people who are in charge of financial strategies have no idea what they're doing. I guess you could chalk it up to them making sure the game doesn't suck as much as Dead Strike (again, not sure if that's the name). But... they should just release the damn game already. If they can't release it in the state it's in now, then they won't be able to release it at all. I hope, for the sake of tato and all his fans, that the game succeeds and I am in the end credits as the "Doomsday Prophecy Spartan." But it's unlikely that that will be the case.

    P.S. Something else I'm not liking is that it seems like they focused way too much on the physical aspects of the main character. This is a rather new topic for me, though, so you can probably brush it off, but I am starting to become aware of the detrimental image women have in media, and videogames especially. If I'm not wrong, the first images of Rose showed her bust as rather large... and it seems like it got more and more exaggerated. Then the videos I saw a while back had her breast physics ridiculously exaggerated too. The outfit I saw on her looked extremely skimpy as well.

    I have a big problem with them exaggerating the physical features on the central female character, because it perpetuates the idea that the only thing a woman can offer is her looks. Yes, she is supposed to be a strong character that fights off monsters with weapons and kicks ass... all right, you got me there. But I feel like they spent too much time on her physical appearance. Again, this is probably out of left field as I've never said anything like it before in that thread, but... yeah. I don't appreciate the way the female character is being represented thus far.
  4. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012

    Well I'm still excited for the game, I still believe in it and I'm going to continue believing in it. If you don't, you don't have to visit that thread :)
  5. MasterChief3624

    MasterChief3624 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2009
    I realize my posts go off the deep-end with length... I'm sorry :eek:
  6. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009
    #26 Vovin, Apr 12, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2013

    Just kidding, as always. I mean no harm. Also absolutely not eager to see you banned. Sorry if you got offended. And it was obvious that b2t was joking.
    My only compassion: fighting price trollz. ;)
    If you're unsure about a post of mine, just pass me a PM and we clear things up.

    About that GTA thread: I did not call out to ban you, I just pointed out to the rules and tried to warn you - that, according to the rules, you might get banned when posing fake announcements.
    INSM told me that in his active mod phase. I wanted to pull a joke like you did two years ago. So I've asked INSM and he gave me a serious warning about that. That's what I've meant and nothing else.
  7. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009

    Read above.
  8. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I'm not really offended, just slightly confused.

    Sure, I agree no fake announcements 364 days of the year, but on April Fools? I actually made a thread about this and never really got a straight yes/no answer, just that one mod found it funny and another said that it was deleted on April 2nd (timezone difference).
  9. Maybe he's depressed at how the modern forum-gen is and wants it to revert to old times?

    It's how I feel with the modern world
  10. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009

    Oh, yes. You are so right.


    *goes into the attic and hangs himself*
  11. I officially second killjoy's nomination.

    President of the Dead Trigger Defense Squad
  12. Vovin's favorite hobby is trying to get people banned. Don't worry Jbruu, I don't think he has an impact on perma bans. ;)
  13. But...what about HOGGY FOR MOD 2013?

    It looks like we have a mod election coming up
  14. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    No. Just no.
  15. So you'd rather have the person who has been in time-out over the person who hasn't?
  16. Red1

    Red1 Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Nov 26, 2010
    #36 Red1, Apr 12, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2013

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