Universal Ridge Racer Slipstream - (by NamcoBandai Games Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. ssahnan

    ssahnan Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2009
    Yeah not sure it's iap dependent but you will need to grind quite a bit if not. I'm not sure but I think re-racing career races nets less money the 2nd time around. Made a grand winning a race when I spent 900 on a perk to go towards the daily achievements. It's not liberal with the money. More I run numbers in my head, if the plan is to max out your car per class, that's an insane amount of grinding. Don't think I've made more then 2k in a race yet, the rough cost for full upgrades through stage 3(stage 4 is gold dependent), is about 45k I think.
  2. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
  3. Chocolate

    Chocolate Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2010
    After what they did to Vita RR I will not support this company anymore. Don't need this game since there are other good racing games on iOS, and I don't trust Namco/Bandai when it comes to IAP and ad spam.

    C'mon people, let companies suffer consequences when they treat customers like dirt. There are other apps you can play.
  4. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    It was so bad that they even sold music tracks as IAP. The actual MUSIC for the game had to be purchased!
  5. It's alright, not nearly in the class of Asphalt 8, but decent. Similar to it, but the graphics and gameplay feel alot different.

    Framerates are a little sluggish on my ipad 4. Hope they can make the framerates better in an update for sure.
  6. GregB

    GregB Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    I am really liking this. I feel the difficulty is balanced just so perfectly and the slipstream works great - relevant for passing but not game-breaking. I find my somewhat upgraded car is more fun to drive or I'm getting used to the controls. Not different than other RR games where it takes a bit to get the drifting clicking just so. I think this is a winner.

    So far, no feeling to buy IAP. Just gonna drive.

    - g
  7. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    My thoughts after an Hour ingame :

    First off, the photos in the app store do a horrible job displaying anything even remotely useful about this game. This game is a race career simulator with arcade racing characteristics. You earn money from racing, level up, unlock upgrades, buy upgrades, customize paint, body and wheels on your various vehicles. You work through tournaments to unlock additional leagues and work your way ever so steadily towards the best cars on the most intense tracks.

    IAP in this game is present but dosen't feel oppressive. Each league class has three new vehicles to race with, 2 of which are in game currency and 1 thats iap. You receive iap for completing tasks and leveling up.

    Controls. This is an arcade racer. The cars behave unrealistically, you actually do speed up when drifting and nitrous spits 7 foot flames from the back of your car heh.

    Music. Standard fare, nothing offensive to my ears, nothing stands out either.

    Fun factor. Despite the unrealistic arcadey nature of this game I am actually enjoying the experience so far. Priced well, IAP tolerant, nothing makes my eyes or ears bleed and there is a solid feeling of awesomeness when you pull off a passing drift to victory :)

    My suggestion to the developer : Real Racing 3's steering wheel please. The arrows are just not precise enough and tilt is a mechanic I never got comfortable with :)
  8. Just wish the framerates were a little better. Pretty fun game for the most part.
  9. Chq

    Chq Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    May someone write a little bit about the framerate of RRS on an iPhone 5 compared to to the framerate of Real Racing 1 on iPhone 5, please?
  10. Real racing 1? Or do you mean real racing 3?
  11. Chq

    Chq Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    I mean what i wrote.
  12. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    Just bought this. Much, much better than Accelerated. Controls are great. The steering us fine for me. Very happy with the price and quality so far. Deleted RR3 and 2K Drive. Hated timers on RR3 and 2 K drive abominable steering.

    I didn't like Asphalt 8. Just felt it was over the top. GT Racing is ok but the menus are so cramped and confusing. I deleted it too and will just keep this.
  13. Yeah, I like this better than RR3 or 2KDrive, but still think Asphalt 8 is the king.

    But yeah, the fun factor is pretty awesome in this game, if only the framerates could be a little bit better.

    This game is similar to A8, but you have to brake more, so a tad bit more realistic, cool game, I am having fun with it.
  14. doublezz

    doublezz Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
    I used to play Ridge Racer on my PS 1, after so many years I am happy to play it again on my iPad 4.

    I play Real Racing 3 heavy, I can say this game has a better graphic comparing with Real Racing 3, and a better "speedy" feeling. One thing I noticed not so happy is the car never damage, I know fix the car is annoying but after getting used to it in Real a Racing 3, I just feel unreal after seeing the car is still shining after hitting the wall in full speed.
  15. EightRooks

    EightRooks Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    Took the plunge on this one and I am cautiously optimistic so far. Asphalt 8 is still far and away the best iOS arcade racer for me, or at least it was before the move to completely freemium (not rubbishing it for that, I just haven't really played it since). Ridge doesn't really look as good. The flow of play (drift, drift, drift, boost! drift, drift, drift etc.) is kinda awkward - the controls feel a bit too heavy to me and it's way too easy to either over-compensate and swerve into the barriers or under-compensate and fail to drift at all. Not to mention I had some horrendous frame-rate issues on my little iTouch before rebooting.

    But! It's fairly easy to pick up, it does work, and the early few races feel pretty tense and frantic once you've got used to the idea the game is a bit more restrained than Asphalt 8. While it's certainly IAP-heavy, losing doesn't quite feel like "Oh, you don't have enough upgrades/perks, you're not allowed to win" - I've been back to a couple of them and improved my ranking. It's still worryingly tough, but I think it's hard rather than unfair, and I do actually want to keep playing to see if I can get better at the handling - I just ran my battery down playing it (unlike 2K Drive or GT Racing 2, which just didn't feel at all fun to me past a certain point). I'm not really thinking of it as a Ridge Racer game (I've had some experience with Type 4 and V, but that's about it), just a colourful arcade racer. So far, it's delivering. Fingers crossed it keeps going that way.
  16. rapaleeman

    rapaleeman Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2013
    Game Impressions

    First time post but I felt the need to correct some folks here as it seems there is some misinformation about this game that kind of bothers me.

    I've been a fan of Ridge Racer since I played it in the arcades. Right before I went out and bought a PSX specifically for it. This game essentially recreates most of RR7 from the PS3 with a few tracks left out a few "machines" not included. For $3 it is a steal considering the massive ripoff from the Vita version which I disappointingly bought when I got a Vita. Accelerated was fun but it wasn't quite Ridge Racer even after they patched in the d-pad controls.

    As for the misinformation, there is literally a single ad that pops once when you load the game and it is for the car of the day. Even everyone's loved Asphalt 8 does this. I love that game too but the IAPs ruin that experience as you are forced to buy certain cars to progress and credits are earned at such a lethargic rate that it makes a massive grind. As for the loading screen ad that people seem to be harping on. There isn't one. On loading anything, it has a picture of Reiko on the right and a task list with the daily task on the left as well as a tooltip on the bottom. That's it.

    In this game the IAPs are honestly a non-issue unlike in RR3 and Asphalt 8 and I am 5 tournaments it. There is one car that is walled off by RR bucks per tier which, so far have been slow to earn. With that said, those cars have been garbage so it isn't a loss. All the other RR buck purchases go away as you level up and progress. It is really like the console versions except you can pay to progress faster. Basically if you play the game how you would play a typically RR game and go through the game methodically, you will not need to grind at all. I have the first car (which is a typically RR drift car) fully upgraded. I have also customized it with a body kit, new wheels, and a new color (which is actually free). I played through the Rookie tournament and had more than enough to buy a new car and some immediate mods for it when I moved on.

    You do earn money slowly but if you pick the type of car you want (drift, grip, or mixed) based on your playstyle then you will not need to grind even with leveling it up and customizing it. I am over 5 tournaments in and have at on of CR to buy new cars and mods without grinding. I played a couple of tracks over again to get first place but that was it. I could see if a person is a car collector that the grind could be bad but unlike Asphalt, RR3, and even GT Racing, I didn't even once feel the need to spend anymore money outside of the $3 initial purchase. I always felt an accomplishment and rewarded for each tournament. The progression is the reward.

    As for gameplay, this is Ridge Racer. If you didn't like it on console, you probably won't like it here. Despite what Namco thinks, RR is a series that is made for a specific set of people which is why they keep reusing courses over and over again and the style hasn't changed since 1996. It has a specific driving style and unlike Asphalt 8 is not as approachable although Slipstream seems a little easier than previous RR titles but that could be the few tweaks they made for mobile which make it easier with the touchscreen controls that are super precise and perfect to me.

    This is a great game and on my iPhone 5 as had been a perfect experience for me. I have had zero frame issues even on 8 player races outside of receiving a text or e-mail so I'm assuming that is a hardware issue on another platform.

    If you love Ridge Racer, this is your game. It is perfect for on the go and is a great/authentic experience. Even the music is awesome. This is a must buy for Ridge Racer fans and even someone looking for a different style of arcade game. The caveat is that this game is hard. It is fair but it is a hard game that rewards skillful players.
  17. EightRooks

    EightRooks Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    Yeah, the IAPs really do seem to be fairly well-handled. Doing the second Class 4 cup to try and earn money for a Class 3 car and I'm still doing about the same as I was at the start of the game. Winning some, not so well on others... but quite often I've retried the same race and done better straight away. Haven't felt I need a new car yet. Premium currency doesn't come along that often but the level 4 upgrades for the first cars all seem pretty cheap. Plus while it seems like a fairly challenging racer - and it is interesting to see people who think of themselves as long-time fans saying that - it's been... relatively easy to at least get 3rd or better and unlock the next race, at least so far.

    I might feel I'm hitting a wall at some point, but for now I'm really, really enjoying this one. Races do tend to come down to rationing your nitro for a last-minute sprint versus blowing it to play catch-up, but they still end up very, very tense at times IMO. Lots and lots of jockeying for position, as opposed to Asphalt where it was a case of "Oh, I can beat those guys. Whee! Look, they're all way behind me!" or "Nope, my car isn't good enough for this. Time to start again". Certainly had my money's worth already as far as straight-up enjoyment goes, and if it keeps on like this it'll be a surprise late highlight for 2013.
  18. Good writeups. This game does take some getting used to, but it is awesome fun.

    This and Asphalt 8 are probably the funnest racing games on ios.
  19. CecilMcW00t

    CecilMcW00t Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2012
    Man... The AI drivers are aggressive compared to past RR games. Makes the races so intense! They do not let you relax in first place. And if you play with headphones, you can actually hear which side they are trying to overtake you on. So good!
  20. EightRooks

    EightRooks Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    It's still rubber-banding of a sort but I feel like it works really, really well. Some of the best pushing and shoving I've ever seen in an arcade racer. You can do well and stay at the front, but all the AI drivers, even the guys at the back of the pack, will still give you genuine hassle if you clip the sides a few times and your speed drops. And the slipstreaming can work so, so well to build up tension - you pass them, then they pass you... plus it helps to hide the rubber-banding a bit because you can plainly get a boost off someone who's just used nitrous in front of you, so it doesn't seem so silly that at least a couple of the AI cars can always keep pace with you.

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