Universal The Shadow Sun - (by Ossian Studios Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by biokid, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    I sort of played warrior. I picked skills that I liked regardless of whether they fitted a class. Luckily one was that picking locks skill. Yes, it made it more enjoyable. I also love using a sword, so that plus a couple of spells were my first line. I had a couple of nice attack skills where one stunned and the other doubled damage on stunned victims. I pretty much could kill anything as I progressed as I found a few nice weapons and armor/ shield via doing the warehouse district subquests. Searching the houses there yielded at least one nice weapon. I always feel wrong doing that when the owner stands around not noticing me stealing.

    One of the things I said above was wrong as later quests provided an answer. That applies to the way into that Bloody sheath hideout and one other place I found.

    And yes, I could see myself giving up early on if I had something else I was planning to play. The start was a bit tepid. But that was all of ten or fifteen minutes of play.

    I'm trying another character to see what smaller quests I missed. This time Im trying out more of the rogue skills. I havent bought a pack. Those seem t be more worthwile if bought early on.

    Maybe I will buy the pack that has the extra quest after this play through.
  2. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    I actually only upgraded my lockpock skills after finding a tier three lock in a business in the Diamond district? And that was late in the story, or midway. Possibly you found a lock I missed. Tier 1 skills were adequate for most of the story.
  3. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Same for me, with mixing skills ;)
    I took level 1 of Persuasion and Intimidate, no spells, and the same weapon skills you mention - they work really well.
    My current weapon is a nasty two-handed axe, does the best damage of all the stuff I found so far.
    Also got a nice armor and helmet, both with stat boni.

    Re the level 2 lock you might have missed:
    That one was a secret in a house (Warehouse District, I think, need to check back) . You can only see/find those when you get close enough AND your Perception stat is high enough. I found at least 2 already.

    Might give it another shot with a Mage, and also buy their pack then.

    Oh, and one of the few things I don't like is that you can't skip and/or fast-forward cutscenes. Can't understand why they didn't include that option.
  4. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    I had a pretty high perception level. I probably just wasnt that thorough.
    I was interested enough to listen to cutscenes the first play through. Except for the very last one. I would've rather removed my eyes with a spork instead of hearing that one again.
  5. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    You can skip cut scenes. On the iPad I just discovered it while flicking up from the bottom of the screen to change the volume. It brings up a skip or continue option.
  6. Deadpan

    Deadpan Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2010
    Recently got a new phone and seeing this thread has reminded me what a great game it is, think I'll re-download and have another playthough!
  7. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Heh, we should organise something like Shaun's monthly RPG Reload play-alongs ;)
  8. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    Anyone know where the Hall of Annals is? I checked the Diamond district and Glorys Ward.
  9. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    I am not that far in yet to have to look for it, sorry. Didn't it say anything in the dialogue for it?
    Sounds important, so my first bet would be Diamond District, too.
  10. Silver99

    Silver99 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2014
    I haven't seen it before that I recall. It was to do with something in the *cough* hint guide. This time around I thought I'd use a bit of the knowledge there.
    I managed not to find locks I couldn't open the first play through but this time I am. So frustrating. I upgraded other skills first.
  11. Enker

    Enker Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2014
    Does anybody know if this is being exorcised in the upcoming apocalypse of the iStore?
  12. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    It’s already a 64 bit game, I’ve got it on my phone
  13. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    I reinstalled this yesterday to replace the games i deleted which didnt survive the 64bitpocalypse. Played it a bit, and i didnt remember this being so good, im glad i reinstalled and got to play again.

    Probably one of the decent games that suddenly got overshadowed by another more hyped release, and suddenly forgotten.
  14. Vondaggle

    Vondaggle New Member

    Feb 22, 2018
    Bloody sheath sewers

    Does anyone know how to get into the bloody sheath hideout
  15. Makoto

    Makoto Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2014
    IIRC, you can't enter it until very late in the game, and it depends on the way you choose to solve one of the main quest.

    I can't recall all the names, but it's likely a quest that someone asks you to kill some corrupted religious leader thingy. If you choose to spare the leader's life, you will gain the access to the bloody sheath hideout later. But you can get other rewards if you choose to kill him, so you would probably want to save before making the choice anyway.

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