Tilt Controls: Ok or Horribly Awful?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by iqSoup, Nov 4, 2012.


Tilt Controls: Ok or Horribly Awful?

  1. Super ok! I love 'em!

    0 vote(s)
  2. CAN be ok if done properly

    23 vote(s)
  3. Horribly Awful

    10 vote(s)
  1. iqSoup

    iqSoup Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2012
    How does everyone feel about tilt controls???

    So a little background behind this question: I'm from indie dev studio iqSoup and we are just finishing up our first big release--Impy. I have a question for the TA community though. So in our game you play as Impy, who you move by touching the area just behind him and dragging up or down. While the control mechanic is different I would say the closest thing to our game is Jetpack Joyride.

    Maybe I've just gotten too good at the game after playing through it several thousand times but I feel like as it currently stands the game is a little too easy and hence a little boring. I think tilt controls might spice it up and make the game more challenging, interesting, fun, etc.

    But then again I typically don't like tilt controls in most games--they can be pretty awkward to use. So what do you guys think? Are tilt controls a deal breaker or can they be fun sometimes? What are some examples of gameswhere you maybe liked tilt controls? What makes tilt controls fun and what makes them annoying/awkward? If we do go with tilt controls how can we make them intuitive/well-done/enjoyable/not-sucky? Also this will be a universal game, so how do people feel about tilt controls on an iPad?

  2. krautboy

    krautboy Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2011
    I never ever buy or even download a free game when it's tilt only. Thelast game i bought with tilt only was pizza vs skeletons,after trying the first 10 lvls for free. Thought it was ok,but after that 10 lvls it became unplayable for me. I hate the fact that you have to keep in one position to play,it's mostly imprecise and most of all,it always feels like a chore instead of fun. It's ok to implement it though as long as there's a touch control option as well.
    Good luck with your game!
  3. undeadcow

    undeadcow Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    Houston, TX
    I'm not a fan of tilt controls. I tolerated them with Tilt to Live and enjoyed it but generally speaking tilt controls are the devil.
  4. ninjackid

    ninjackid Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2010
    Not a huge fan, but they can be great if done right as in Crazy Hedgy (best tilt controls on the planet).
  5. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    It's actually kind of simple: if you are using tilt controls to make the game more difficult, that's a recipe for frustration. Tilt controls should be used if they make the game more fun to play (like in Crazy Hedgy, Tilt to Live, or IMO driving games). Adding tilt to controls to make the game more difficult is cheap -- it's like an arcade owner messing with the joystick wiring so kids lose faster and spend more quarters.

    There are legitimate ways to increase the difficulty of a game.
  6. iqSoup

    iqSoup Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2012
    Thanks everyone for your input so far! A lot of what you're saying confirms some of my worries about tilt controls.

    I wouldn't want to make the game tilt based for no reason or just to make it arbitrarily more difficult--I think there's possibly some potential for tilt to make the game a more enjoyable experience. I think at times tilt can help the experience. Imagine if in Doodle Jump you could just drag the Doodle Jump guy to where ever you wanted on the screen? It would be a pretty easy and boring game.

    As for being able to switch back and forth between touch and tilt I dunno if that would work in this game. Something like that would dramatically change nature of the game and really distort the difficult curve of the game. It might work for some games but in this case I think we have to go with one or another.

    I agree that tilt can be frustrating and annoying and the devil--but there are exceptions. In the good tilt games you guys mentioned why is the tilt acceptable? What makes tilt games not the devil?
  7. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I buy 100's of games, got about 600 installed at the moment. Cant stand tilt controls, Crazy Hedgy is a game you should check out, this is probably the best tilt game i've seen (Still would prefer a joypad !). Super Monkey Ball 'has' to really be tilt, same for a Marble Madness type of game.

    But its worth checking Crazy Hedgy. But often i see a shooter or platformer and its so frustrating when the only controls are tilt only. Just limiting your market i feel
  8. Chocolate

    Chocolate Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2010
    For a few types of games, it's ok. But an onscreen control option should always be given as well.

    For platformers, don't even think about it.
  9. BigDook

    BigDook Active Member

    Nov 2, 2012
    Bossing people around.
    Are you writing a book?
    It depends on how well the controls are done. Tilt control can be very fun for simulation games like flying a plane. But I prefer a good virtual joystick for driving games.
  10. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    I think it always depends on the game. While it's not my favorite type of control in general, it works really well on lots of games. Personally, I like to have a choice and be able to decide what works better for me, but sometimes I really like it, I'll admit.
  11. bacon-N-eggs

    bacon-N-eggs Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2012

    Tilt to Live has been the only game to make them work perfectly for the game. Everything else touch is waaaaay better!
  12. iqSoup

    iqSoup Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2012
    Thanks for the feedback. I was on the ropes about tilt before but now I'm pretty sure I won't be doing it. I share with what seems to be the general tilt-sentiment out there. I wanted to see if I was the exception and seems I'm not.

    The game, Impy, is similar to Jetpack Joyride--or at least started out that way--but with "drag" controls (if that makes sense) instead of one giant "up" button. I think I'll keep it how it is and might just increase the speed of incoming projectiles to make it a little more challenging. We'll see how it stands up after some heavy playtesting. That reminds me, if anyone wants to playtest it let me know.

    Thanks again for the comments! I'll post on this thread when the game comes out (should be December by the time it hits the appstore) so if you're interested subscribe to this post and you'll get notified. It'll be free so might as check it out!
  13. jtfields

    jtfields Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2010
    I agree with most here, tilt controls work when it's a "natural" fit and don't when it's forced. One thing I would add though, even when tilt controls seem to be the best method, I almost always find them awkward on an iPad with maybe driving games being the only exception. It's just too big of a device for precision tilting. I haven't tried an iPad mini.
  14. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    Agree with most of the comments here. I think in any ball roller, tilt can and usually is the preferred method. For BTB runners, they sometimes can work well. And, although many disagree, I actually like tilt controls in racers like Asphalt 7.

    Again, it's really dependent upon how well their implemented. I don't have anything against tilt controls and definitely wouldn't rule out a game just become of them. But I usually find out how well they work before purchasing.

    The ONLY games I absolutely hate title controls are those, usually puzzle games, that require you to do 360 tilts of your device. Uncomfortable and, well, pretty embarrassing if you're playing in public. :rolleyes:
  15. Xexist

    Xexist Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2010
    this sums it up fairly well for me as well.
  16. Some games like driving games run great on tilt, some like shmups, just don't. So depends is my answer.

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