Universal Treasure Buster (by FDG Mobile Games GbR)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. Cutty2k

    Cutty2k Member

    Oct 16, 2016

    Great game!

    My suggestions (since you asked for ideas for future updates):

    1. Absolutely 100% needs a help screen. I'm not saying you have to script an in-game tutorial, but the core game mechanics need to be explained. I still don't know what's up with items, it only ever looks like I'm carrying one.

    2. More on items. When your item slots are full, there should be a prompt at the store when buying asking if you'd like to replace the current item. Very easy to accidentally buy multiple items and lose the one you have.

    3. Tooltips! You have it on a few things, needs more. Clicking and holding on an element should explain it briefly. Possibly enemies as well.

    4. Character balancing. Just looking at max stats, all characters have either 4 or 5 max speed. More variance would be nice. Think archetypal builds, low attack/high speed. High speed and attack, low defense, etc. all the characters feel pretty much the same when you play them as it is now.

    A lot of these issues would be less bothersome if the game was explained better; I might go for the high item robot guy if I actually knew how they worked.

    Oh, on items, maybe a way to tap and see what the player is carrying, like an inventory?

    Great game again!:D
  2. Cutty2k

    Cutty2k Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Also, two bugs I found

    Bug 1: Bought the life medal, had 140k, died in level 5, used the life medal, and my score was still cut in half.

    That's the normal option without the medal, I assume from the description that the life medal gives a second life without needing to lose score.

    Bug 2: I am not able to carry multiple items with Lone, even after upgrading item stat. I upgraded to carry 2 items, bought a clover, then a life medal. When I used the life medal, the clover was gone.
  3. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Isn't the item stat about charges, not more than 1 actual item.
  4. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Wait, if I buy a charm from the store, lets say do more dmg to undead or something, then buy another charm in another store, they replace each other ?
  5. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Sadly, it appears so.
  6. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
  7. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    Why Aren't you all comparing to blitzkeep? That game has so much more content than this.
    This game is a good high score game but blitzkeep has it all
  8. yankeeblue000

    yankeeblue000 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2016
    This game is really fun I think it's great but it's more comparable to Blitzkeep I think
  9. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    Finally . People are reading my posts. Blitzkeep is the OG. I bumped blitzkeep to put it in people's faces. I also commented it on the main page, general games posts, twitter, and here.
    Hopefully more people will start saying this now.
    I seen one person say monster strike so that's what everyone is comparing it too but blitzkeep has everything.
    It should be 50 pages deep if this 11
  10. Cutty2k

    Cutty2k Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    So after playing again, I find that the item stat affects how many charges the powerup items you pick up in game have, not how many items from the store you can carry at one time. The in game help text is "Increases your maximum item count", which is pretty ambiguous.

    So +1 to my "this game needs a help/game info screen" comment above.
  11. darkelite

    darkelite Active Member

    Dec 25, 2013
    Purchased and enjoyed the game a lot! No in-app purchases, no ads... It's a quality game for a dollar. I highly recommend it. My only suggestion would be to put a proper tutorial on how to properly parry an attack.
  12. cadillackills

    cadillackills Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2015
    #112 cadillackills, Nov 12, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2016
    Best smoke break game of all time! Could add a deeper RPG mechanic, or make rouge lite in certain ways. Zero complaints, thanks devs!
  13. nyanpass

    nyanpass Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    It's great. I hope FDG will release many good games in the future.:)
  14. bx59

    bx59 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
    I really, really, really love this game. The arcade feeling, the soundtrack, it just hits the spot for me. I’ll even go ahead and say this is the only game which makes me feel like in front of an arcade cabinet. (Btw feel free to introduce me to any game makes you feel like that, I would appreciate)

    And of course, it would be amazing to see this updated for the newer devices. A man can only dream... :)
    yankeeblue000 likes this.
  15. yankeeblue000

    yankeeblue000 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2016
    Operation Dracula by Crescent Moon Games. It’s a Retro Bullet He’ll SHMUP from hell. Lol. It’s insanely difficult at first (play it on easy) but once you figure out patterns and maneuver’s it becomes insanely fun and addictive. It’s has this beautiful pixelated artwork and soundtrack that will shoot you right back to the 80s & 90s. It has supports mfi too

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