Universal Triple Town (By Spry Fox)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by goiMot, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. kzwen

    kzwen Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Can anyone tell me how long does turns refresh (so to speak)? I read throughout the thread and other than rants and complaints, I don't see anyone saying much on gameplay. Thanks for TA's frontpage review.
  2. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    I paid for a few "extra turn" consumables via coin, which gives about 200 extra for just under 1k, but once I did that, my turn count stopped refreshing.

    So, unless something is wrong, if you have over a certain number of turns, they DO NOT refresh.

    It took me about 20 - 30 minutes to get through 200 moves, probably a bit less.

    And it refills.... Slowly, when it was refilling. I don't know the exact count, but it isn't very fast at all. Not fast enough to be okay enough to just wait for it to refill.

    And just to confirm, I kept looking back and if you are over a certain number of moves, you don't refresh your move count.

    So what's the deal with that?
  3. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    #43 andsoitgoes, Jan 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2012
    Okay, so here's the skinny.

    1 move a minute. Per. Minute.

    Sigh. One of two things need to happen, either I spend an exorbitant amount of money and unlock the game, or I get to play for a handful of hours every day... Or I delete it from my device.... Or the devs look at making the IAP a little bit less unreasonable.

    Edit: the gameplay is great. Very addictive and enjoyable, I have no complaints there. It's an inventive way of handling this genre and it's very polished. There is a concern about there being no variety in the game, the fact that there's the one scenario and that's it IS valid, but then games like Zookeeper and Carcassonne (up until recently) had one and only one mode...

    But honestly, there's something great here, there is. You owe it to yourself to try it out.
  4. Georgina

    Georgina Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 30, 2010
    Part of the reason nobody's saying much about the gameplay is that you don't get very much before you either have to buy more turns or wait, so it's hard to form any impressions of depth. I've played for well under an hour and in that time I finished three games and used two-thirds of the allocated moves.

    But from what I've seen: I like the concept a lot. I like the art a lot. The game is polished, and I've found no bugs so far.

    The thing is, you really can't look at the game without considering the IAP around it. If andsoitgoes is correct in his/her analysis of one move per minute, that's 1,440 moves per day, which is enough for only one or two games depending how good you are. (I'm not particularly good, so it's enough for two for me.)

    There's always people who want every game to be free or 99c, but I really don't think that's why the pushback here. I spend hundreds of dollars on iOS games a year, and almost all of it goes to indy companies. I'm not the person who spends twelve bucks on Soul Calibre; I'm the person who spends that twelve bucks on a bunch of indy titles.

    I believe that the pursuit of money has to be hand-in-hand with the gaming experience. And I believe that here, it's overshadowing it instead. iPhone puzzle games are something we tend to do in between other things. We play them on the bus and waiting at the doctor's office and at the shop waiting for our fish and chips to be made. I don't want to feel like I have to sit down and take the game Very Seriously because if I mess up a couple of times, well, I'm all out of moves for the day.

    Make it two or three bucks, remove the consumable IAP, and I am totally down with this game, but the way it is now? No. And I imagine that's going to be the case for most people. The dev says that 99% will wait for more moves to generated for free, but I suspect the reality will be that a tiny percentage will buy the IAP and almost everybody else will get fed up and delete the game in a week or two.

    And that'll be a real pity, because it looks as though there's a great game here. If I'd been able to play it for longer, I might be able to tell you for sure.

  5. mlkaufman

    mlkaufman Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    I don't think this is correct. I think its 900 coins for 200 turns. ASAIK, there is no way to unlock Yeti Town for unlimited play.
  6. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    I don't think you can compare the two. At least from a gameplay standpoint. Triple town wins, hands down there. And I have seen some iffy things about YT, focusing on the fact that it seems to take a bit TOO much from triple town.
  7. mlkaufman

    mlkaufman Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    C'mon, YT is a direct steal of TT. And its missing some of the polish of TT. For example, it can only be played in landscape mode.

    I think with a less aggressive IAP scheme in TT most people would never have even looked at YT. But, while I would never pirate a piece of software just because I thought it was too expensive, I have no problem with looking for a clone of a piece of software I find too expensive.

    Had YT not had essentially the same form of IAP (actually, it is somewhat worse) I probably would have just deleted TT right there and never looked back.
  8. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    #48 LordGek, Jan 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2012
    Way to promote the complete knock-off, but there is anither key difference with YT, not only is there no IAP for endless turns, turns don't regenerate over time! They made an exact clone of TT but figured they'd leave that bit out to milk folk clearly.

    Oh lastly, is it just me or are the sound effects in this game REALLY quiet, especially compared to the PC version?
  9. BoneyCork

    BoneyCork Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2011
    #49 BoneyCork, Jan 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2012
    So you provide a free to play model, and rather than simply absorb the cost, you expect those who pay to pick up the tab for your lost earnings? Because most people pay nothing, those that do pay must pay more than usual?

    Essentially I'm paying for other people's game time. Brilliant.
  10. DaviddesJ

    DaviddesJ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 19, 2010
    Burlingame CA
    You're playing for hours every day, for free, and you're concerned that $6.99 for several hours a day times many days is "exorbitant"? What does that come to, a few cents per hour of entertainment? How does that compare to the cinema?
  11. mlkaufman

    mlkaufman Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Yes yes, in the grand scheme of things $7 isn't very much money. And, if it was the only interesting game coming out in the next month, I would probably just bite the bullet and get it. But the truth is that lots of good games have come out in the last week and lots more will come out next week. This is a fun game, but there is nothing about it that justifies it being priced substantially higher then the vast majority of other great games I will get instead.
  12. GodSon

    GodSon Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2009
    Game Impressions

    I'll keep my impressions short and simple...

    This game is GREAT! ;)
  13. DaviddesJ

    DaviddesJ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 19, 2010
    Burlingame CA
    But if you were playing it for HOURS every day, like the previous poster, presumably you would feel differently.
  14. EfratBarTal

    EfratBarTal Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    my turns don't seem to regenerate at all!
  15. BoneyCork

    BoneyCork Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2011
    #55 BoneyCork, Jan 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2012
    Moves don't regenerate for the first time until you hit zero, and stop regenerating once you get back to 150, at which point they will continually regenerate 1 per minute whenever you are under 150.

    Or to put it more simply:

    You can't have over 150 turns saved up unless you buy them with coins, regardless of how long you wait.

    So if anyone is playing this under the impression that they're going to get a thousand free turns a day...sorry no. That'll only happen if you continuously play at a rate of one turn per minute.
  16. EfratBarTal

    EfratBarTal Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Ah sweet. Thank you for clarifying this!
  17. BoneyCork

    BoneyCork Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2011
    Actually, I guess if you were to burn through all your turns quickly and leave it for 150 minutes, then burn through your turns again and repeat you could get quite a lot of free turns every day.

    You just won't bank more if you leave it over 150 minutes.
  18. Tannorexic

    Tannorexic Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2011
    Somewhere in the spiritual realm
    How am I promoting a clone? Yeti town was released in the AppStore before triple town so in my eyes it's not a clone.
    And I like the snow theme better, and because the gameplay is exactly the same..you know..it's good to mention so people who don't want to fork out so much money can just alternate between yeti towns and triple town and get their daily fix.

    Or you could just delete the app and reinstall it, so I've been hearing people say..I haven't tried that yet but I'll probably give it a go.

    Triple town just lost a huge chunk of respect from me,
    The fact that it'll only accumulate 150 coins at a time was just a major deal breaker, I came home after a nice steak and a few drinks and thought what the hey just buy the stupid game, it's only $7 big deal, then I thought I'd check the thread first and saw the 150 thing and just thought uhh..this is not about "supporting the devs" this is about greedy devs now.
    Greedy and stupid devs, if theynwere smart and greedy they'd sell it cheap and actually make thousands, but since they mustn't be very financially savvy for iOS, they think just slapping a extra premium price on it will actually increase profit. Maybe that'd work on computer, since people dont often pay for computer games they rip them and there's so many online there hard to even find so it's good to put the price up but in the iOS world putting the price up only pushes people away.
    It will make way more money in the first few weeks, after getting a TA review and featured, but after that itll be tumbleweeds that's for sure, and the first few weeks are the absolute most crucial, if they reduced the price to $1.99 or so early on every one who sees it featured and sees TA review will most likely buy it since they know it's on sale, but once a few more games are reviewed and triple town will go down the list and disappear , and disappear from the apple store in 4 days too..then bombombooommmm how to screw an app in ten days/well about 7 days really. What a wassste.

    Back to yeti town!
    I paid $1.99 and got heaps of coins and bought heaps of turns..I have enough turns to probably last me at least a month, and I'll be bored of it by then so I got my fix without supporting greedy devs! So I'll support their plagiarized version instead! I bet tt hasn't even gotten 100 paid customers yet, despite being featured in the AppStore which can drive sales up to like 100k buyers, if it's a more reasonable price, this will be lucky to get 100 buyers, even after days in the featured list it's only gotten 25k downloads and it's free..alot of free games I pick up on featured have like 80k or so game centre players in the fits few days..people mustnt be downloading it because of the price, kids won't bother to check, but most normal ppl who see "free" will check the IAP before downloading..and the screenshots aren't very nice, I skipped it at first for the mixture of screens and price, but surprisingly despite the kindergarten looking sprites, the game is kinda fun because it's simple and quick and easy, you can think a little but not too much Edo towns you have too think too much for my liking, I don't want to have to think on the bus or in a line, so tt is better for that, but if I'm chilling at home I'd rather Edo towns, same gameplay but more depth
  19. Fuzzyaardvark

    Fuzzyaardvark Active Member

    Dec 24, 2011
    As a new Apple owner there is no way I would pay this much for it. It is a wonderful game and I have enjoyed it a lot but, as someone pointed out, I could get at least 7 other games for the price. There is a huge back catalogue to play through and I currently have a wish list of over 100 games. The majority of them are only 69p.

    Yes, I realize that the market does not just consist of new owners but surely with Christmas only just gone there are a lot of new people looking to spend their money. With it being featured you had a chance to grab them before they went off into the vast back catalogue.

    My point is that I just think it a shame that you priced such a good game far too high.
  20. J.R. Jalapeno

    J.R. Jalapeno Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2008
    I did buy the $7 iap because I absolutely love the game but I felt dirty afterwards. I needed to take a shower because I felt violated. And I know the inevitable price drop will haunt my dreams for years to come.

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