Which is a better Racing game?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by d1, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. On this thread perhaps but usually the minority is more vocal.
    As of Oct 5, 2009 on US Store
    NFSU has 5016 ratings
    RR has 1655 ratings
    so yea that is a 3:1 ratio.

    These are the two best racing games though at least now and it was quite a rough ride with previous racing games until these ones came out. So I hope these both sell well and get a decent fanbase.

  2. Cy Yunga

    Cy Yunga Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    I just played NFSU again and can't believe how much more frustrating it is thatn Real Racing. Haven't played in months so I've forgotten how much the controls suck, there's not driving feel to it at all. Also when you drift you can't control the car and when you see an incoming car you can't do anything about it at all...crash and lose. The AI sucks too of course and the sounds are really annoying. I just lost a race 6 times because I was drifting and cars crashed into me. such an annoying game...
  3. Real Racing Fan

    Real Racing Fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    I wish
    Read my username.:)

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