WHO Is The Strongest?! - Comic franchise soon to become a game

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by bigitec, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. bigitec

    bigitec Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2009
    Hi guys / gals,

    An unusual topic title right? Well, we've just finished the first two chapters for the comic of our brand-new soon-to-be-franchise "WHO Is The Strongest?!", and wanted the community's opinion on something iPhone/iPad-related. First, have a look at our cool new website containing said chapters. To read, just click on "Comic":


    Finished reading? Like it? We sure hope so! Cause we wanna do more of that real soon, and we wanna create a new fighting game based on the characters you've seen!

    Since we are still in the conceptional stage, we'd like YOU to tell us what YOU would want in a fighting game like this. What elements of gameplay would you like to see in there? Would you prefer a round-based fighting game over a real-time one (like Street Fighter)? What other games do you know that do fighting especially well on the iPhone/iPad that you would suggest as a role model title?

    Please give us your opinion, we'd really appreciate it!
  2. syipisa

    syipisa Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2009
  3. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    If you do this, keep the humor. It's what will make you stand out from the rest!

    In terms of actual fighting, I don't think traditional elements will work... (as in, not like Street Fighter Volt). Here's an idea: Make it third-person. No, I don't know how to implement it. ^^;

    For other gameplay - you have to be able to walk around the school and challenge everyone. Some should be stronger, some weaker, but everyone needs to be "unlocked" straight away - for the player to discover their difficulty.

    Maybe implement a timetable feature, with classes teaching moves at certain times in the day / night?
    Have an underground movement, Fight Club-style.

    Just some ideas~

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