Will iDevices ever be the portable devices of choice for hardcore gamers?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by txag2005, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. The prez 12521

    The prez 12521 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2009
    If they really want to stop pirating and jailbreaking, they need to offer things that make us not want to jailbreak. As a gamer, jailbreaking rocks. Not pirating. Don't ever connect those. But being able to donminor mods without cheating in a game is fun. Like playing as a furry in minigore.
  2. txag2005

    txag2005 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    I agree. I don't think jailbreaking = pirating, but it is a fact that jailbreaking is needed to pirate.

    If Apple would just open up the device to multitasking and a few other tasks that people jailbreak for, I don't think it wouldn't be as big of an issue.
  3. donner

    donner Well-Known Member

    If Apple would just buy out Nintendo, we could end this discussion.
  4. Braiton

    Braiton Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2009
    #24 Braiton, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2010
    1) Only time will tell my friend
    2) I will not only buy it because its CoD, i will buy it because its very addictive...umm...i think i have an issue.
    3) But i have an Ipod :(...
    4) Umm...the only game i bothered buying for DS was LoZ. I think it must have been eaten by rats. Meh, lasted a week.
    5) If this "upcoming CoD" has the same controls the Zombies one then i think im from another planet.

    Also guys dont forget that for example consoles like the Wii are pirated in mass scales, like the 360. Only difference between Nintendo and Microsoft is that Microsoft at least bans consoles lol. Also i read somewhere that some hacker is beggining to develop some sort of chip for the PS3.
  5. txag2005

    txag2005 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    That's the kicker. A big publisher needs to produce a high quality ORIGINAL AAA game for the iPhone/iPod touch.

    In regards to the PSP, it hasn't just fallen behind as the PSP Go is a complete and utter failure.
  6. txag2005

    txag2005 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    The thing about home console pirating is it typically requires some sort of hardware modification like a mod chip. That closes the door for alot of people who don't know how or aren't willing to open up their consoles and do that. But you are right in that home console pirating is an issue. I read an article that around a million copies of Modern Warfare 2 were pirated for the Xbox 360, which is staggering.
  7. donner

    donner Well-Known Member

    Why does 'hardcore' gaming always have to equal shooters?? Im so freakin sick of this. Has anyone ever seen that movie about the Donky Kong world record holder? Now that guy is hardcore. :)
  8. CaptainAwesome

    CaptainAwesome Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    The Island of Berk
    Before the iDevices become a "hardcore gaming device", Apple would have to address the issues of overheating, extremely short battery life, and lack of a physical interface. Which they won't, because the iPod Touch/iPhone is exactly that first and foremost: An iPod/phone, respectively. They're selling devices like hotcakes, and they're not going to change the specs until that pattern also changes.

    Plus, people who I know have iDevices and use it for games don't often have games like COD or Real Racing. They have the free Paper Toss app or Bubble Wrap, and occasionally a dollar game like Doodle Jump. The primary user base for iDevices isn't interested in the device as a gaming system. Until that changes, I don't think we'll be seeing much in the direction of "AAA" titles. Quirky things like Nazi Zombies may pop up and spur some attention, but for the most part, iDevice users don't see the device as something they will use to play Modern Warfare and the like.

    The taxation of graphically impressive games on the battery life and the memory capacity is also an issue. AAA titles are suited for devices or consoles that are dedicated to gaming and gaming alone, because their hardware is configured to handle these kinds of games. As of yet, the iDevice has not hit the sweet spot, where graphically impressive/capable meets framerate, battery life, and storage space.
  9. frendil

    frendil Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2009
    New Zealand!!
    well i can aim a lot better on the itouch's touch screen than i can on a psp, i dont have a ds so i dont know if FPS's work on them but anyway the touch screen is adequate for me
  10. Athlos

    Athlos Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    #30 Athlos, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2010
    Overheating: Never once experienced such an occurrence.

    Battery Life: PSP = 2 Hours, iPod Touch = 1.5~2 Hours 3D Gameplay & 2.5~3 Hours regular, Nintendo DS ~2.5 Hours (The iPod touch matches battery life while playing DS equivalent games, and is only a half hour behind on psp equivalent games)

    Lack of physical interface: By far the touch screen is better than the psp's controls, after playing my ipod touch I can hardly play a psp shooter again, it's about the same with the DS. I cannot understand how people think the psp or ds has a better control scheme. I'll admit, the ipod touch has a longer learning curve, but when it comes down to what's better, the ipod touch wins.

    I'm not the only one that thinks this either. And as for DS, I've played many shooters and the control scheme is atrocious, you have to use the stylus to aim and the D-pad to move, it's nearly impossible to hold the device while playing an FPS.

    Find a PSP game that has better graphics than CoD: Zombies, better yet, compare it to medal of honor heroes (PSP).


    The iphone 3GS and ipod touch 3G surpass the psp in resolution and graphical power, that's not an opinion, it's fact. Look it up.
  11. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    I wasn't going to jump into this thread, but this bit, delivered with such an air of authority, goaded me to answer.

    1) The article on the Unreal Engine may not have mentioned specific IPs, but it was clearly implied that it would be used to develop games for the iPlaform. Otherwise, why port the engine, and why demonstrated it on an iPhone?

    2) There are many games on the PSP and DS that repurpose assets from existing console games; I can guarantee you that they were not budgeted in the millions. Put another way: do you think that Rockstar spent millions porting GTA:CW to the iDevice? I won't argue that, at current App Store prices, we are not going to see a lot of console-level originals on the platform. But decent ports? Absolutely.

    3) Honestly, I can tell what the hell your argument is here.

    4) No question: Sony and Nintendo have amassed an incredible catalog of IPs. With very few exceptions, however, none were originally developed on the their portable devices. The games Potentially, the iDevice could have a similar relationship with PC gaming, as well as with independent console developers/publishers like Rockstar and Activision. (As a side note, the next Sonic game is going to be released on only one portable platform: the iPhone.)

    5) On 3D games and FPS, I can aim far more precisely on my iPhone than I ever could on the PSP, which is notorious for its absurd-levels of auto-aim. With dual-stick shooter is not even close: I'd much rather play Meteor Blitz than Super Stardust Portable (in fact, I picked it up in PSN and deleted within 10 minutes). Aiming with the face buttons sucks. Controlling the camera with the shoulder buttons is almost as a bad.

    The question is not whether hardcore gamers will throw away their PSPs and DSis and buy iPhones. The fact is, real hardcore gamers play on home consoles and PCs. The real question is whether the iDevice will attract enough dedicated gamers (like many of the folks who post here on TA) to make it profitable for publishers to either port or develop more serious games for the platform. I would argue that we're pretty much there already.

    Finally, I should say that I've found Space Miner to be more immersive and fun than any recent game I've demo'ed or bought for either the DS or the PSP.

    Immersive, fun games. That's what we want, right?
  12. donner

    donner Well-Known Member

    Apple will continue to improve its idevices in significant ways which will improve battery life and gaming ability. (PSP is a failure) and nintendo will probabally stick to the strategy of one device every 5 or more years with a zillion variations on size and color.

    I think technology is moving way to fast for Nintendo's model to continue to succeed.

    Apple is a hardware company that is currently setting the high-bar. If they can iron out the problems with the app store economy then it could become the handheld king.

    Personally I think Nintendo's cash cow franchises are getting a bit worn out.
  13. CaptainAwesome

    CaptainAwesome Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    The Island of Berk
    #33 CaptainAwesome, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2010
    Okay, so you're one of the lucky ones to not have experienced your device overheating. But judging from the comments of other users on these forums, it's still a pretty common occurance.

    Where are you getting these numbers for battery life? My old DS can last me for a 5-hour plane ride and then some. The PSP doesn't get used much, but I distinctly remember being able to play Star Wars Battlefront for about an hour as well as watch two movies on a single charge, a total of five hours as well.

    Most "hardcore" gamers prefer a physical interface to work with over a touchscreen. That's the only reason I brought that point up. I agree that the touchscreen works well in the ways devs have implemented it, but as far as a "hardcore" gamer is concerned, it's too unfamiliar of territory.

    On the basis of graphics, I never said that they weren't better. I was just saying that the iDevices haven't hit the point where graphics, battery life, and amount of storage space used meet in harmony. Graphics-heavy games cause the battery to run extremely fast, and take up a huge chunk of memory. Place a full AAA title and storyline on top of that, and you've got yourself quite a few less Gigs of space to work with on your device. The PSP and DS don't have as much of a problem harmonizing these points as the iDevices seem to currently.
  14. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    Do you even know what AAA means?
  15. Athlos

    Athlos Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    #35 Athlos, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2010
    Battery times are based on what I've experienced as I've had all three systems and put in a lot of use with them all. The DS is cheating, it doesn't run games that run heavy on it's processor like the iphone does, so you can't compare that 5 hours to the iphone's 2 hours of 3D gameplay.

    "Historically, AAA, A, and B games represented how much money youd put in and get back. A AAA game may cost a ton to create but they bring back the big bucks. They are the games of the year, they are the 2 million plus unit sellers. Myst, Dialbo, and Starcraft, these are AAA games…”

    I'd say that what I said before matches this definition... Treyarch made CoD: Zombies for ipod touch, it sold 11 million copies, it's been in the top 10 on apple's charts ever since it was released.
  16. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    On the memory issue: Sony is clearly moving away from UMDs, and unless you like to carry multiple SD cards all the time, memory capacity is just as much of an issue as it is with the iPhone (in fact, I'm constantly deleting games on my PSP). On the DS, cartridges are small and easy to carry; still, I can's see myself taking more than 4 with me at a time. By comparison, I have over a hundred games on my iPhone right now.

    On battery life: In my experience, both the PSP and the DSi have longer battery life than my iPhone 3Gs, with the DSi being the clear winner. That said, I use a Mophie case, so battery life is much less of an issue for me. Oh, and overheating hasn't been an issue for me either.
  17. Athlos

    Athlos Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    #37 Athlos, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2010
    Yeah I may be misunderstood on this one, people keep in mind the ipod touch has a longer battery time than iphones... I own an ipod touch. (I played CoD: Zombies for about 2 hours straight before having to recharge).

    Btw, just so you know, the backlight eats your battery!! I have mine set at about %25, having it at %100 shaves about 30 minutes off.
  18. CaptainAwesome

    CaptainAwesome Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    The Island of Berk
    Super Mario 64 doesn't count as a 3D game? How bout a 2.5D sidescroller like New SMB? Or some of the Metroid games for the DS?

    It doesn't run games that are taxing on the processor because it was designed specifically for gaming, like I said. Nintendo put enough power behind the device to handle whatever kind of game was developed for it. The iDevices do not have the processing power to run those types of games efficiently.

    I've had all three devices as well. Don't try to pull that card on me.
  19. misfitskater6

    misfitskater6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2009
    Seattle, WA
    Personally, I don't think the Gameboy/Color/Advance will ever be unseated in my mind as the best portable console ever. The way things are heading right now, I just don't see any games that are as fun to play as some of the games on that system. I'm still waiting for a portable platformer that's better than Wario Land II, not expecting to ever see one.

    I'm sure I have the nostalgia factor working against me as bias, but what can I say? I'd take an old Gameboy and my favorite games over the DS, PSP, or iPhone and their entire catalogs any day.
  20. donner

    donner Well-Known Member

    #40 donner, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2010
    If the iphone ever becomes as popular in Japan as the DS, then it will become a handheld gamers heaven. At least for RPG's and SRPG's.

    But really, there are already a LOT of great games that are pretty hardcore in terms of quality and challenging game play, but they dont fit the standard mold of 'hardcore' so the device isn't recognized as such.

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