Universal Super Soccer Champs 2018 (by Uprising Games Ltd)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Uprising Elton, Jun 17, 2018.

  1. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Difficulty level is so hard to get right for everybody.. I'm going to be tweaking and adding a few new bits of AI in the coming weeks. So stay tuned for updates!
  2. Nachtfischer

    Nachtfischer Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    Game Designer
    Great to hear you're willing to keep working on the game @Uprising Elton!

    I'm always glad to support dedicated developers. In fact, already unlocked the VIP version. :)
  3. TheVimFuego

    TheVimFuego Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2014
    A couple of hours in ...

    I like it, just the right level of gameplay and team management for me.

    It rewards slick passing and not just bludgeoning the way through the opposition with stats. I’m learning to manage my squad energy levels too.

    I’d like a “tap the screen to shortcut the ‘return to kickoff after a goal animation’’ thing.

    Also the repetitive crowd chant is getting really old and some variety would be welcome.

    Really like the training mini games, breaks the flow up well.

    Not tried with my Nimbus yet, touch controls work well enough.
  4. TactAuthority

    TactAuthority Active Member

    Jan 25, 2018
    So i was looking to purchase some coins because i feel the game is worth much more than what i paid for VIP but i noticed there aren't any price labels on any of the shop buttons. Not sure if it's intentional but i thought you might want to know

    Also, i've encountered a small bug on occasion where the game doesn't respond to my Nimbus after either the ball gone out of play or a substitution. In either case, pausing the game and resuming makes it work again
  5. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Thanks for reporting. What iOS version are you on, and what region? I use an OS function that should put th ecorrect country code on the price (Like GPB for the UK, or USD for US$, as my font doesn't have the more exotic currency symbols) however this function only works on certain OS versions, and also I may not have left enough space for some country codes.. Anyway, the "Stack of Coins" is $1, and the "Pile/Mountain of Coins" is $2.
  6. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    hey Elton, would be appreciated an option for customizable leagues and cups, and also those Nation teams that atm are out of the World Cup, like Holland, Italy, Chile, etc.
  7. TactAuthority

    TactAuthority Active Member

    Jan 25, 2018
    #27 TactAuthority, Jun 18, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2018
    iOS 11.4 and Denmark
    Tried to link a pic of it from imgur but i failed
  8. Mojo0070

    Mojo0070 Active Member

    Feb 19, 2014
    is there online multiplayer?
  9. dirtschmooz

    dirtschmooz Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
    bug i noticed; played in nations cup, got to second round and won on penalties. showed as a win, but game ends as it thinks it’s a loss
  10. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    A n update with a fix for that is in submission now. I've also tweaked the AI a bit to make it a bit more direct and give it a little better ability to score goals. There's more to come on that too.
    dirtschmooz likes this.
  11. David1105

    David1105 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
    Any way to add the Nations to the quick play options so you can play friendlies as a nation. Also, any plans to expand the Nations field beyond the current World Cup teams. Would like to play as Team USA for example. Maybe the Nations cup could include all teams and be randomized in their match fixtures and groups? Perhaps include a Penalties only mode. I know I love the tension that brings and would see myself playing that mode a lot.

    Overall a great game though. I like it. Is there a good way to accomplish an accurate long air ball pass?
  12. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    #32 Uprising Elton, Jun 19, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
    Glad you like it. I would like to expand the National Team section, yes. Ideally, I'll be able to do a big update for the start of the next football year (SSC 2019 Update). I really needed to get SSC out now as it is, and check there is enough interest to continue developing it long term.. it's been a huge amount of work, with the last year being full time on it. (Currently Tennis Champs brings in about 1/3rd of what I need to survive, so I need SSC to reach a similar level at the very least, to be able to continue for a great deal longer on a full time basis)

    Long passes have to be done with manual kicks. You can do it without aftertouch. too, once you realise that manual kicks vary in speed based n how fast the player is moving. So even a max power kick (slide up), while stationary is quite short, and can be used for chips. (Pro technique : hold blue to trap the ball to slow down quickly, release the direction pad, then slide your finger onto the red button and swipe up all in one motion)
    You can also learn to do them with the aftertouch to add loft, using low power kicks and reversing the direction on the pad after, which needs an accurate thumb.

    There's an undocumented High Pass also, which is done by sliding from the blue to red button while holding the pad in a direction. It's not all that useful as it need more tuning, which is why I left it out the tutorial!
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  13. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    @Uprising Elton can't figure out how the training bars for each player work, can you explain me that training section mechanics? thanks.
  14. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    #34 Uprising Elton, Jun 19, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
    OK, Spoiler Alert!! (for anyone that wants to work out the system themselves! Parts of this are revealed in the News feed of the Manager Home screen occasionally)

    Each player has preferences. An ideal set of 4 team training sessions, and an ideal training intensity level.
    Each contributes to the Preference score.
    * Team sessions that match a players preference score 2 points * This gives a maximum contribution to the total of 8
    * Training Intensity scores a maximum of 7 if correct, and loses a point per value it is wrong by * This gives the overall score a max of 15.

    This means by looking at the overall score, and knowing how much came from the team sessions (matching ones are shown), you can then home in on the correct value for intensity to maximse the preference score. If a player scores 9, with 2 session matches, you know that the maximum he can score is 11 , so his intensity is set two steps away from optimal..

    The preference score is added to the player's mood value, and this is how much XP they get.
    When the bar fills, the player will get some extra points on some attributes, but only if his current level is lower than his potential.

    Once you are at that point, you can then decide if there are players you want to level up faster that others. You then try changing the team sessions to try and maximise their score.. naturally other players might also benefit from the change, or suffer. But some players will tell you what sessions they'd like in the News feed..

    Players with a low training score (Intensity miles out) will become unhappy, and if they are already unhappy, could lose form directly.
    Players with a very good score (above 12 I think) will get happier.
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  15. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Quick request.. App Store ratings / Reviews are really important, so if you're playing and enjoying SSC 2018, please do at least click a rating, but a small review would be even better! And please do tell your friends / post the store link to anyone you think might be interested!
  16. jpgold

    jpgold Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
    Online Ad Sales - Pandora
    New York, NY
    How do you earn coins/level up? Are there training challenges like in Tennis Champs? The manager mode is too involved and just like playing the tournaments.

    Loving this game.
  17. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    #37 Uprising Elton, Jun 19, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
    The game as it is, really is centered on the Manager mode I'm afraid. Levelling up is directly linked to it, which is why it's refered to as Manager Level.
    Simple League play is something I'll think about adding. I need to think about which ones are available and unlocking etc.
    At some point I'd like to add the Daily Challenge mode from Tennis Champs in too. That will be a good way to earn coins and play varied matches.

    If you use the guide to training I posted on this thread, you can basically play manager and just ignore the training once it's tuned for the initial players. (so training will barely influence the form of players.. it takes a few game weeks to optimise it once you know the rules) Then just ignore the office menu entirely! You don't have to sign or sell any players and it's pretty simlar to a basic league mode then, but with more going on (like integrated cups, and champions leagues). Just have to roate your players to keep them fresh, but that would be part of a simple league mode anyway.
    If you buy VIP, you can play like that with any team / starting league in the game too.
  18. jpgold

    jpgold Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
    Online Ad Sales - Pandora
    New York, NY
    Thanks! And VIP was purchased before I even played as I'm a fan.
    Uprising Elton likes this.
  19. Jackaluk

    Jackaluk Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Hey Elton,

    Purchased the VIP pack, enjoying the game, I’ve pointed out a few things already, one or 2 more only in the interests of making this game awesome. I’ve only been playing single matches, but I’ve noticed the goalie seems to only move once the ball is very close. Seems like he should come out sooner, I.e a long pass back sees him not move until the last minute, I’ve had a few hairy moments where if only the keeper had moved earlier and safely could have. Also re passing, seems quite often that passes don’t have the power that they should, seems like the ball always just about gets there on some longer passes, is there a way of controlling powers here? Also can you do high passes? They always seem to only travel all g the ground? I ask all this a controller player rather than touch screen. If you could also keep giving controller support all the love you can.

    Hope this game is a success for you. I’ll get on the App Store now for a review!
  20. dirtschmooz

    dirtschmooz Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2015
    purchased vip. Game is excellent and can only get better with tweaks. As mentioned previously, keepers sticking to their line until last second could do with adjusting. great work and wish you success with it. Would love to see a golf game from you too.

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