Universal Chrono Trigger (by Square Enix)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Haruhi, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. ujujiensan

    ujujiensan Member

    Mar 4, 2011
    Originally Posted by ujujiensan View Post
    can anyone beat the drinking game in the fair? hard time beating it haha i guess there will be lots of hard parts cuz of the control

    like the rat part mentioned earlier~~

    but overall

    Tap with multiple fingers

    tried that i'm rather hella slow with tapping on iphone or its just hard lolz
  2. ujujiensan

    ujujiensan Member

    Mar 4, 2011
    Battle Cursory is to save previous move
    Battle Cursory Memory = use last move command (i.e. you used all spell, next turn ur option will be the same spell unless you go back command..) i wouldnt recommend this because if you use item or use spells and u tap the screen a lot you would only be using the same thing over and over again...

    Battle Cursory Command is to save command option
    i.e. last move item command, next turn arrow would be on item command (not the item itself)

    Battle Cursory None
    It will always be on the Main Command
    Attack, Tech, Item so you can choose which command to use each turn. ( i would recommend this if your old school RPGer)
  3. jeffmd

    jeffmd Active Member

    Nov 19, 2010
    Exactly what are these "other" versions of chrono trigger?

    One is the snes... a now defunct system that no one has hooked up, and isn't portable. The other is the PSX/1 that is also defunct and no one has hooked up. The rescent is the DS, which has no upscaling, cause it has no high resolution display, and is a portable game system.

    Now frankly, people who are considering the ipod version are like me, they don't have access to any of the previous versions or have never played it, and own an ipod or iphone/ipad. Chances are high that they don't have, or use a DS either, as the iOS is their portable gaming platform of choice.

    In this case, the iOS version is an easy choice to recommend. In my case, I never owned any of the remakes of it, and have occasionally loaded CT up on an SNES emulator from time to time, but never long enough to make any progress in it. Now I have been enjoying some time in reliving chrono trigger and on a portable platform to boot using the ipod. I can say with ease that aside from some issues with the movement controls, the game is every bit as good as the original and harks back to when JRPGs were at their best.
  4. joseegreg

    joseegreg New Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    Well, there is the DS version which is the same as the ios version :p
  5. jeffmd

    jeffmd Active Member

    Nov 19, 2010
    Anytime I have ever had trouble with a program, usualy a game, load is when I have low memory. Big games usually require me to go into SBsettings and force close programs that are running, other wise the game crashes out during the initial loading.
  6. ujujiensan

    ujujiensan Member

    Mar 4, 2011
    One: Better not be pirate version
    Two: Buy the game and download it
    Three: If not One then try closing all apps and restart your Iphone then play the game.
    Four: If it is One then hit yourself on the head and go to Two

    Chrono Trigger is all-time best RPG game in SNES history...... respect this game at least~~~
  7. ktern

    ktern Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    If the question is CT versus no CT, easy call, buy it for whatever you own.

    Sounds like if you own a DS, though, you should get the DS version.
  8. jeffmd

    jeffmd Active Member

    Nov 19, 2010
    I would add however.. if you play your ds more then your iOS.. then get the ds version. However if you roughly ignore your DS these days, the better character stat displays, store menues, and better save options easily outstrip any control advantage the DS might have.

    Again if you game on your ipod or iphone.. why are you still playing around with a DS?
  9. Onikage725

    Onikage725 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
    You do know there are plenty of games on DS that aren't on iOS, right? One of the reasons I got this version, while having the DS version, is because I don't want to have to swap out Devil Survivor Overclocked. Also, for me at least, I have large hands and don't find gaming on my iTouch to be the most fun experience. I game on my iPad.

    To back up what you said before, Jeff- One thing people should keep in mind is the price. This retails new for $20 at the moment. I see copies for $13 or so used. Plus shipping, that would be $15-16. So this is the cheapest version of the game you can get, except for maybe the Virtual Console release. The VC release, however, is A) not portable (something I assume is a detriment to the Touch Arcade crowd) and B) the SNES version. Which means Ted Woolsey's translation. Some have nostalgic love for his translation's, but by and large the translation used in the iOS version is superior. Which is a big thing in a story-driven jRPG. You also get the Lost Sanctum and Dimensional Vortex. Not deal breakers necessarily, though the Vortex does include a number of links to Chrono Cross. Still, the only other version of the game with this translation and those areas is the DS version, which costs twice as much to buy on a system that the average iPhone gamer doesn't seem to play.

    Honestly though, if you have a DS/3DS and use that, it might be best to shell the extra five to ten bucks for that. You do get better controls, better display (if only because it seems better optimized for the inherently small screen) and some features in the menu that this version doesn't seem to have. There's a monster battle mode, ending viewer, cinema viewer, music player. Can't remember if they had a bestiary, though. I hope some or all of these pop up in the iOS version, but they seem to be missing at a glance.

    This is very true. FFXIII is a very divisive game. It seems you like it or hate it- note I said like, because I don't know anyone who loves it. And the last time they did a direct sequel (FFX-2) people generally felt abused. Yet people went from "whatever" to "oh really" about FFXIII-2 as soon as they announced a time travel mechanic. Also, Radiant Historia- that game has more in common with FFVI if you look at the steampunk aesthetic and the plot about civil war. But it has a time travel system, so everyone was hailing it as the spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger.

    Agreed. I played this game when I was like 12, before having a PC. Back then you either got a "Player's Guide," had a friend who had already beaten it, or figured it out. Never really got stuck. I don't mean that as an insult to anyone having trouble. I'm saying it isn't like an NES RPG where they just cut you loose. If you're stuck, talk to the local townsfolk. If that doesn't work, travel to a different era (and talk to Gaspar for clues too). If all else fells, ask us or go to Gamefaqs. Or pick up a guide, they've published a couple.
  10. ktern

    ktern Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    I'm a big fan of both XIII and X-2, actually. And this is coming from someone who grew up playing FF1, and everything in the series after that, excepting the online entries. But maybe seeing how much FF has changed over the years makes it more acceptable for Square to toss out something radically different.

    If Chrono Trigger was "officially" a FF game, though, it'd be my favorite one. No question about it.
  11. Oreniishi

    Oreniishi Active Member

    Oct 12, 2011
    I've made a video for people concerned about the x2 quality.


    Link for iDevice

    Personally im fine with the soft edging so I might even buy secret of mana after this and complete it for the 3rd time :D
  12. Alan88

    Alan88 Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    minor UI changes over solid controls? I have to disagree. the DS has two screens btw and the new UI changes to the iOS are hardly superior. the menu is completely unobtrusive since it never appears on the main screen and the mini-map alone is better than the new UI changes on the iO

    honestly, there weren't any problems with the DS stats displays, menus, save options, or controls, everything was great, if not better than the iOS implementation. the only reason SE implemented the new changes was solely to accomodate the iOS touch screen. Same thing goes for the font/text change, it would have looked too blurry on a retina device (see FFT) like the rest of the port.

    I'm curious. how would you know that the iOS UI changes are better than the old DS ones? I only see that you've played CT on an SNES emulator from time to time, but there is no mention of a DS. not that it would matter since you've hardly ever played CT before, right?

    Why would the DS need upscaling if it doesn't have a high resolution display? i've played the DS version and I can say that it looks better than than the "upscaled" iOS port on the iphone its hi-res retina display. the DS version is CRYSTAL clear compared to the iOS version - anyone who has played it on the DS knows this.

    people aren't automatically limited to one handheld device because they play on their iPod/iPhones. also, because they can and the DS version is superior. why do you care again? :)
  13. Kaboomie

    Kaboomie New Member

    Dec 10, 2011
    I don't have SBsettings nor is my iPhone jailbroken. I kinda hope I don't have to get my iPhone jailbroken to get this game to work ^^; I did though delete a few games that I never really play that much anymore to clear up some memory. Right now I have 5.5 GB of available memory and the game still does the same thing to me.

    Are you kidding me!? Chrono Trigger is my absolute favorite game OF ALL TIME!! I'd never ever pirate this game <3
  14. DusT_HounD

    DusT_HounD Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2010
    I didn't have any problems with the controls when doing the 'rat-chase' section that got mentioned a while back.

    Generally, the controls aren't a huge issue for me, although i think that they could perhaps have made the 'walk zone' of the analogue stick a little bigger- i still have trouble making my characters walk slowly on demand.

    So regarding progress in the game itself- how's everyone doing?

    I'm currently about 3hrs in, and have reached
    the postapocalyptic future, where i've found Robo, and am going through the machine factory
  15. EpicAtheist

    EpicAtheist Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Works on older devices?
  16. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I can't stand the so-called "enhancements" to the UI, that font makes it look cheap as hell.
  17. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
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    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Man, you've got to learn to deliver your opinion as option, instead of delivering it as cold-hard fact. There are reasons to prefer the UI in the iOS version: the type is much easier to read, and the single display keeps one focuses on the action instead of the stat screen (this is true of many DS games, BTW). There are also folks for whom a console-style save system is a deal breaker on a portable game -- especially folks who like to play several games at once depending on the circumstances.

    The DS version definitely looks sharper, but sharpness is not an absolute value. There's a certain hipster/nostalgic value to seeing individual pixels, but for me a bit of softness around the edges helps give solidity to the sprites and the environment. Putting the two screens side by side, Crono comes across better as a character in the OS version than in the DS one (where he looks more like a collection of pixels). To my eyes, of course -- I don't presume to speak from your perspective.
  18. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

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    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    #238 squarezero, Dec 10, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2011
    We are not going to discuss the font aesthetics on this thread. Period. There was enough of that nonsense in the upcoming thread (sorry Midian).
  19. the9quad

    the9quad Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2011
    #239 the9quad, Dec 10, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2011
    A lot of people didn't read the upcoming thread. Could you post a list of square zero officially approved subjects we can discuss? :p
  20. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
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    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    #240 squarezero, Dec 10, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2011
    Those folks who didn't read the upcoming thread are the lucky ones ;).

    And to answer your question: topics that lead to pointless off-topic discussions will always be suspect on a game thread. From the upcoming thread, we know that that's where a font aethetic discussion goes.

    An ounce of prevention, as they say...

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