"Because We May" - App Developers join in Sale (5/24-6/1)

Discussion in 'Price Drops, Must-Have Freebies, and Deals' started by dclose, May 18, 2012.

  1. dclose

    dclose Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    #1 dclose, May 18, 2012
    Last edited: May 24, 2012
    Came across this when Ravenous Games posted it to Twitter last night, saying their game League of Evil 2 will be included in the apps on sale too...

    Because We May: For the last week of May (May 24 through June 1) our games will be deeply discounted to celebrate online stores that give us control over pricing: The App Store, Google Play, Steam, and a few others.


    Follow the link to their webpage to see the list of games going on sale. More are being added all the time, but at the time I checked World of Goo (and HD) was on there, Waking Mars, Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery, Cogs, Edge and Toki Tori (and HD) were all on the list too.

    Edit: sladeums is keeping an updated list of participants in the sale, below, fourth post down. HUGE thank you to this guy!!May 22nd is the last day for developers to add games to the list, and the sale starts May 24th!

    Edit 2: The sale is now live! Go get 'em!!

  2. sladeums

    sladeums Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    Omaha, NE
    #2 sladeums, May 18, 2012
    Last edited: May 30, 2012
    current full list of iOS sale titles for the lazy
    Title/iTunes | Metacritic | Reg$ -> Sale$
    **Link to more games added on :**
    May 25th, May 26th, May 27th, May 28th, May 29th


  3. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    Please use this thread to talk about the games from here on out -- thanks for your continued cooperation and keeping on topic without complaints.
  4. sladeums

    sladeums Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    Omaha, NE
    #4 sladeums, May 24, 2012
    Last edited: May 25, 2012
    Universal (continued)​


    ...Continued Below...
  5. sladeums

    sladeums Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    Omaha, NE
    #5 sladeums, May 24, 2012
    Last edited: May 25, 2012
    iPad (continued)​


  6. Card

    Card Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    Toronto Canada
    Fieldrunners for iPad is $7.99 -> $5.99.

    Thanks for the list sladeums. You are a gentleman and a scholar.
  7. Ravenblack

    Ravenblack Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2009
    I'm looking forward to picking up Anomaly Warzone Earth. :)
  8. Woohoo, just bought my first game. Looked at first for world of goo hd, and then osmos hd, but sale isn't here yet. So first game I came across is Spirits for ipad, don't know a thing about this game, but shoot was excited about the sale, so I bought it!

    Anyway tomorrow, I'll probably buy about 5 more games or so.

    Now gotta see what this spirits for ipad is, the reviews say the graphics are great on the new ipad, so I look forward to this. Most of my other purchases are just ipad upgrades to iphone games that I already have.

    Woo hoo for the sale!
  9. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Don't give up on Goo or Osmos. Both are incredible and Osmos is eye poppingly brilliant!
  10. Don't worry, my lurking eyes are still waiting for my app tracker programs to tell me about the games. I'll be picking them up soon! Also plan on getting pro zombie soccer hd since Chillingo was nice enough to let me get the iphone version for free, so I'll return the favor by buying their ipad version.

    I highly recommend silverfish max for ipad and anomaly warzone hd for you new ipad users out there.
  11. undeadcow

    undeadcow Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    Houston, TX
    Zaga-33 increased from $0.99 to $6.99? That is an odd contribution to this movement.
  12. mihimarcelo

    mihimarcelo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2012
    Hoho... just got World of goo. I was thinking about buying the HD version, but I think it is better to spend the other dollar with another game.
    I was thinking about canabalt. I played it today on my computer, but don't know if it is a good purchase in those Jetpack joyride days...
  13. thezman

    thezman Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    This is going to be the best day ever!I can already feel my wallet groaning!Im going to get ,League of Evil ,Super Brothers,World of Goo,Osmos and probably some more.Does anyone have any recamendations?I have almost no games on that list so what are the best?Thanks
  14. KennyK

    KennyK Well-Known Member

    The ones you mentioned are all very good :)

    May I suggest also:
    AaaaaAAaaaAAAaa AAAAaAAAAA
    EDGE Extended
    iBlast Moki 2 HD
    Waking Mars
  15. Wow, the games are coming down the pipeline!

    World of goo hd and osmos hd just got on the app store, so I got both.

    One hour ago, I bought spirits for ipad, and I highly recommend it! Plays like lemmings with graphics like glowfish or lightipus. Great game! Had no idea what it was about, but glad I bought it.

    Dang, now I gotta kick a lot of programs of my 64 gb new ipad, cause it's full! That has to be the most irritating part of this sale! Haha
  16. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    Yeah, that was one on my list that I thought may actually be free. I think that obviously must be a screw up.
  17. nfong

    nfong Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
    Is it true that Canabalt has ads? Was just about to pick it up when I glanced over the reviews and saw a bunch of 1 star ratings because of ads o_O
  18. mihimarcelo

    mihimarcelo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2012
    Dead space and real racing 2 for $0,99? Wow
  19. thezman

    thezman Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    Should i get world of goo or the HD version.My device is a 4th gen iPod touch so are there any more levels in the HD version,or should I use that extra dollar for dead space?
  20. Yea, my app tracking programs seem to be showing that almost all Electronic arts programs are going on sale! Don't really like the company due to their business practices, but I will probably pick up Dead space hd.

    I have seen no mention of EA in this sale, but figure they probably are joining the bandwagon to get sales. I hope other companies do this even if they are not part of the official sale. What timing though on their behalf. Kinf of smart, but they should just join the sale and say so on my their itunes descriptions.

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